New Scrap Page! !!
(Chance to win the Kit, info at end of post)
I ended up in the Woodlands at a Famous Footwear that so happened to be in one of the most gorgeous buildings I've seen in quite a while. That might not be saying much to some people, but for me.. it was a beauty! So of course, out came the Iphone and pictures just so happened to be snapped. I mean, how could I pass that up? I am so going back with the DSLR at some point, because it had angels on the rough for heavens sake!

When I got home, I found an email waiting for me that a new kit was ready for download from Cilenia Curtis, that will be available next week, on Tuesday, in the Store at Digitals. Always love it when she releases a new kit, and this is one of her Beautiful mess Collection! Even Better! So I download it, open it up... and about fall out of my chair!! Why? Because it matches my pictures perfectly. Not kind of. Not sort of. Not I could make it work. I'm talking the two were made for each other! It was like I sent her the photos and she designed the kit around them, I am not kidding! They fit together that well!!!! I couldn't wait to get started.... I got up first thing in the morning and opened that blank 12x12 and went for it! This is what I got....
So, what do you think? Totally made for each other, right? There is so much more to the kit too!! It has gorgeous texture, lovely papers, pieces you can clip your photos too or blend with.. I love the muted color scheme that really isn't a color scheme at all! There is an adorable stitched bird that I fell in love with. You really should check out the kit, and there is a chance to win it too! Just go here, Beautiful Mess Cilenia Curtis, and read all about it! Good luck!
Till next time!