I am Valeri, a 36 year old, stay at home mom to four children. I fell in love with a camera shortly after my first son was born, 15 years ago.. well, long before that but I finally had a real excuse to have one in my hand all the time by then. Years later, I discovered Digital Scrap booking, and wow... I was hooked! Now, 5 years or so later and I am combining the two and learning mixed media art! It is a roller coaster of interesting, but a lot of fun! More about that on another page.
I would love to say I'm a Photographer, but I can't make that claim. I'm still very rough around the edges, too rough, some would say, Not to mention that I tend to use my iphone pretty much as often as I use my DSLR. Some days, even more so, depending on my mood and what type of picture I'm after. I don't know anything about lighting and RAW is still intimidating. All I know is that when I'm looking through my lens, I want to capture the world in a way that you might not have ever thought to view it. Then again, maybe you have... just means I get to keep trying!
As of right now, I am using an Olympus E420 and an Iphone 3gs with Hipstamatic and occasionally, when I can pry it out of his hands, my husbands Iphone 4. I love to edit in Lightroom 3, and I scrapbook in Photoshop Elements 6, only because I'm still running a dinosaur of a computer. Its a miracle lightroom is running at all on it!