Waiting, Waiting, Waiting..

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My new Printer is on its way.  It should be here some time today.  Some time today.  SOME TIME TODAY!!!!!  Its like Christmas morning, yet I still have to wait for Santa to fall down the Chimney wearing a brown suit!  Part of me wants to sit at the door with my camera ready and take a picture of the UPS dude as he shows up, just to document of course, but then I think that's just a little over board for a printer.  But, its an awesome printer, and it is going to allow me to print everything I need and no longer have to go to the local printing place for the laser prints.  Which is gonna be super duper wonderful!  I spent all of yesterday preparing a good majority of my surfaces so that when it does arrives, I can just print, print, print and have a lovely acrylic medium heyday hoedown!  But until then, I sit here waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting.  Painting more wood, gessoing more cavases (cause I like em better gessoed and I like saying gesseod cause I can), and preparing tiles for coasters and magnets.   So hopefully it shows up soon, because there's only so many objects I can prepare before I have to move on to the walls. 


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